Cyan Neon Light Signs
Colour Showcase-Cyan
Cyan is between green and blue, named for its proximity to the mineral blue-green jade, the British New Age leader David lcke (David lcke) said: "Cyan is "The Mysterious Colors of the Universe". Cyan can represent a sweet femininity, and emotionally speaking, cyan is proud, generous, wealthy and forthright.
Cyan is also the the color of the sea, It's suit for young men and women, and for children, it represents innocence, brightness, cleanliness, transparency...
Cyan neon signs can be used for any occasion, So,you'll usually see cyan neon signs used for children's room decor, playroom wall art, dance studios glowing signs, offices LOGO design, coffee shops tagline or slogan!
Cafes 📷 @traderandco |
Ice Cream Parlour 📷@the_scoop_icecream_llc |
Deep pink+Cyan Dance studio 📷@playdancewa |
Wedding Decor |
Deep Blue+Cyan Playroom wall art |
White+Cyan Cocktail lounge signs |